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I believe it was always a risk for me to say that "Photography is equal to fine art". Nevertheless, for me it is always true. My goal is to bring my art closer to you, to your home.
The unspoken movement. Half-vision.
"We want to hope that there's a little bit of us there", a client once told me.
I think this is one of the best things I've ever heard about my projects.
About projects. Process. Collaborations.
One of my main inspirations is the art of dance. This was what I started with. It helped me find myself as an artist and most importantly gave me the opportunity to evolve.

My best project is undoubtedly "The Mirages". That is where I reflected all the beauty of this art. In this project everything entangled naturally: the art of Russian ballet, improv, the personal energy of each dancer and, of course, my creative vision.
Eventhough "The Mirages" is already 6 years old I think now is the time for it to get a new beginning. I am extremely proud to working together with different international interior studios and designers and love to see my work coming alive in different spaces all over the world.

For me as an author this is the most valuable joy.


I'm always open to new collaboration, projects and people.
Contact us
Alexander Yakovlev
Founder, Photographer
Olga Kuraeva
PR, Creative director
Our team